Wednesday 13 November 2019

How to start travel business?|Travind

Travel business is one of the emerging businesses in today’s world which includes the travel agency, visa agency and other parts of this business. The Travel and Tourism industry is very wide and the fastest growing sector globally which is the largest contributing sector to the world economy. According to a survey conducted by the world tourism council, the total contribution of travel and tourism to the global economy is 8.81 tr USD.

How to start a travel business?
 So, if you want to be a successful travel business you’ll want to focus on your effort into your market research and finding potential customers.
Following are some of the steps
1) Prepare business plan
2)Conducting market analysis
3)Legal formalities
4)Organising necessary funds
5)Decide location
6) launching business
Above are some of the basic steps for doing the travel business. Apart from this, one must have in-depth knowledge about that particular sector which can be taken by doing proper training in that sector.
The following are some of the short term courses in the travel and tourism sector for those who want to do a successful travel business.
1) Capsule course in travel and tourism
This is one of the courses which involves various areas in the travel and tourism sector to develop their travel business.
Syllabus for capsule travel and tourism sector
1)Domestic & International Packages: This subject includes all formalities related to tour packages for a domestic or international tour.
2)International Air Ticketing
This part includes formalities related to international air ticketing which includes how to use GDS software for air ticketing booking and related processes.
3)Travel Formalities
This part involves all formalities related to travel like a passport, Visa issuance, travel insurance, etc.
4)Travel Geography: These parts include how to draft tour packages.
5)Travel Agency Management: How to manage the total functioning of the travel agency is included in this part of the syllabus.
This fast-track course shall help in advancing your career in travel and tourism and will let you progress as an individual organisation as well.
3) Tourism entrepreneurship course
The aim of the tourism entrepreneurship course is to provide the businessmen travel entrepreneurship that is updated and has the newest information on the latest trends in the travel and tourism industry.

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